Genre: Yaoi (Completed)

The Palaces of the Twelve Sacred Beasts

The Palaces of the Twelve Sacred Beasts

Ma Cô Diện Nhân, Mó Gū Miàn Rén, 蘑菇面人
Professional Body Double

Professional Body Double

Shui Qian Cheng, 水千丞
Vanguard of the Eternal Night

Vanguard of the Eternal Night

The Aria At The Fingertips, 指尖的咏叹调
Seizing Dreams

Seizing Dreams

Fei Tian Ye Xiang, 非天夜翔
Number One Zombie Wife

Number One Zombie Wife

Jin Yuan Bao, 金元宝
Assistant Architect

Assistant Architect

Xi And Qing, 羲和清零